Curious is as Curious gets ..

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"Accept Yourself, Love Yourself" I am the Violet Ray, 193rd Ray that forms the 92 galaxies. I am the only Living Ray remaining. I have always been Awoke. My spiritual journey is one of acceptance of my awaken state. Being different to others, feeling alone in it all. Embracing me, I now work with others on their awakening. There is no methodology to how I approach each activation, awakening or healing session. No one comes with a manual. Everyone is a beautiful unique spark from God.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Lavender spray and Eucalyptus and Citrus Multipurpose spray

During a recent trip to Melbourne, Australia, I wondered down the Household aisle in Woolworth and noticed these 2 products - Lavender Spray and Eucalyptus and Citrus Multipurpose spray. I bought them and started to try them at home. 
1st - they smell 'clean'. Not chemically, just naturally. and they smell Fresh!
2nd - naturally I feel safe with them! And not afraid of bringing more carcinogens and poison to my home. 

I use the Lavender spray around my bed and clothes. It helps disinfect and also puts me I the mood for a good night sleep. The Eucalyptus and Citrus multipurpose spray is great to clean the kitchen and the toilet! Both sprays can be used directly on cuts and wounds to disinfect!

Now that I am back in Singapore, I have to look to buy them online - the Lavender spray is listed between 9.99 AUD - 12.99 AUD depending in the site you use or the promotion the site is running. Don't forget to cost in shipping. 

Eucalyptus and Citrus Multipurpose spray is around 11.75AUD - 14.00AUD (before shipping) online.  

Clean house, clean health!

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