Curious is as Curious gets ..

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"Accept Yourself, Love Yourself" I am the Violet Ray, 193rd Ray that forms the 92 galaxies. I am the only Living Ray remaining. I have always been Awoke. My spiritual journey is one of acceptance of my awaken state. Being different to others, feeling alone in it all. Embracing me, I now work with others on their awakening. There is no methodology to how I approach each activation, awakening or healing session. No one comes with a manual. Everyone is a beautiful unique spark from God.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Be Do Have

It really is about your Being. 
In so many areas of our lives we condition and punish ourselves to Have something, before we can do something before we can Be something. 

Let's say we want to Be - Happy, and to be happy - we need to Do things with our friends, and to be doing things our friends we need to Have - Money.  

When think about it, it feels really heavy and feels like i have to jump through hooos to be happy. Which we all know, to be happy - there shouldn't be a condition. 

so why don't we just Be Happy, so friends likes to hang out and do things with us - and by having note friends -!we build a network that attracts opportunities to create money. 

Not convinced? gice it try.. :)