Case Study - Haunted by Past Life Trauma and Higher Self
I recently had a client who started developing her psychic abilities naturally and rapidly. Often, when one goes through a major health scare or comes out of a deep emotional wound, something shift and there comes heightened awareness that leads to the opening of psychic abilities.
In the case of A, she started sensing a presence around her. It is like dark smoke and will often wake her up in the night screaming her name. When working with her, I worked on her past lives, ancestral healing, and DNA activation to help see if we could eliminate the situation, but it seemed to worsen daily. The irony is as she grew to be more psychic with all the work we been doing, she has deepened connection to the ethereal world, she felt the presence even more strongly. The problem led to her fear of sleeping, and she started taking strong medication and even alcohol to knock her out deep. I've advised her to shield herself with white light and gold light before bed to ward off lower vibration, and that didn't seem to help. Finally, I told her that, whatever was scaring her, seem come from a place of higher vibration without evil intent since it is not kept away even with powerful shielding. Perhaps she should try and communicate with whatever was trying so hard to connect. Taking my advice, she tried, and it wasn't pleasant that she doesn't want to attempt again.
Getting to the root of the problem
Puzzled by the outcome, I decided to enlist the support of one of my student, P, who recently discovered her gift of channeling*. I requested her to join me in the next session with A. P kindly agreed, and we will all meet on Zoom as we live in different countries.
Channeling - connecting with the ethereal world
*Channeling is when we lend our the spirit or entity our voice, to allow them to speak and be understood in our language. The spirit/entity/energy is given a chance to connect at an agreed frequency of the human channeler, once the connection is established, the consciousness can co-exists. Some channelers will step back and be in an observer role, while the spirit/entity/energy is given the chance to express either through voice or body motion.
When the three of us came online, I guided P to go into AC (Altered Consciousness) and first to invite Archangel Michael to join us and give us protection. As we are working with an unknown energy or entity, we need to take extra precaution as the energy seems not to be affected by any forms of protection that A been putting on herself before bed.
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Statue of Archangel Michael |
Me: Has Archangel Michael joined us?
P: Yes, Archangel Michael is here
Next, I asked P to connect with the energy that been giving A her daily nightmares. Within a few seconds, I felt that P has connected with the energy* (we refer to energy interchangeably with spirit or entity. It is a reference to an ethereal sentient being) as the air around me has turned cold.
I acknowledged the presence and said Welcome.
P: I am the Hollow Black from the heart of A
Me: What are you doing here? Why are you giving A nightmares?
P: I am here because she has to heal her heart! Her heart is in danger. Her heart is in Pain. A! A! Do you feel the pain in your heart?
As P turned to question A directly, we know that it is
Hollow Black who was demanding an answer from A.
A: Not really (Indignantly - she was not pleased with being woken up during the night)
P: A!A!A!Do you see me as a dark smoke around your heart?
P addressing A directly
A: Yes
P: Why are you afraid of me, I am here with Archangel Michael, I am not evil, not dark, I will not harm you. You need to speak to someone about the healing the heart. Not to us, not to Teresa. You need to speak to someone.
Me: Who does A need to speak to? Why with such urgency?
P: Because the time is now, she has to shift. A! A! A! Do you know what I am saying?! You have to heal your heart!
A - not amused: This is how she been screaming at me every night.
Me: Why does she have to shift?
P: Changes are coming and she has to heal her heart, She is dying! She is not herself.
Me: Is this healing of her heart for her past life or this life?
P: Past life
Me: Which life?
P: When she was a snake ..
Moments of quiet
P: Oops we lost connection (P had a little distraction around her)
Immediately, I don't feel the cool air around me. I thought quickly if we should bring back the 'Hollow Black' but thought against it.
Me: P - since she mentioned that the healing needs to be done to the life when A was a snake, let's bring on that life and see what we can find out there.
P: Ok
Within a few seconds, I felt P had made the connection and the snake who was A in previous life has joined us
Me: Welcome
P (speaking very slowly, gently, hesitantly): Ssssss... Sssssss...I am a snake, I live in the water. I have three-eyes
Me: Do you have a name?
P: I was A
Me: Tell me about you
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Sea Snake |
P (in slithering motion): Sssss.... Ssssss... I am a snake, I live in the water.. I will tell you about me. I was swimming in the waters and found a beautiful emerald. I swallowed the emerald and it became my heart. I was beautiful, shining, glowing. The water was aquamarine and I was emerald green, I was beautiful. The boatsmen also think I was beautiful and hunted me. The boatsmen wanted me for my emerald heart. One day they caught me and took out my emerald heart and I died. They took my heart!
Me: I am so sorry. What can we do for you, what do you need?
P: I want my heart back. The emerald that was in my heart. Can you go to the ocean and sing for the emerald heart.
Me: I think we need to give you some healing, are you ok with that? I call upon the angels or masters or Gods or Goddesses to come help with the healing of the snake.
I felt the energy changed around me, it was strong masculine energy, and I felt power.
Statue of King Neptune in Bologna, Italy
Me: Welcome. Thank you for being here. Can you please help with the snake? She wants her emerald heart back.
P: She has to know that we don't own anything and let go and move on.
Me: Does she accept it?
P: No, she doesn't. She's sad. She's been sad for a while.
Me: She has to heal; if not, A will be haunted with daily nightmares! I command that the healing be done today. I command it so.
After some moments of silence
P (Long Pause): I've given her an alternative. I offered her kelp since it has similar emerald green, and I made it shine.
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Kelp in the deep ocean |
Me: She accepted it?
P: Yes
Me: She is healed?
P: Yes
Me: Thank you so much, Neptune. Thank you for your help and your healing.
Neptune left, so did the snake.
Me: P, can we bring on the 'Hollow Black' again and see if she too been healed
P: Ok
In a few seconds, the energy around me changed and became cool again.
Me: Welcome back. How are you feeling?
P: Thank you. I feel much more. vast, free, and space
Me: May I know who are you, why you would not leave A?
P: I am the pulse in A's heart. I am her Higher Energy, and I am her Higher Self.
Me (chuckled): I am glad you made that clear!
Before A's Higher Self left, I felt the energy changed to something more complete, warm, and fuzzy.
The whole session took around 40min. Even though it was over zoom and we were not physically near each other, we were in it energetically. It took a little sleuthing to solve this centuries-old pain from the snake, but the impact of the pain, when expanded, is hurting not only the snake but many others both in the ethereal and material world. This is the first case I came across where the Higher Self urgently sought help for herself. A follow up with A the next day; she mentioned that the cat seems to be a lot more loving and sticking around her more.
On reflection, I wondered why I did not use this method from the beginning, but the answer quickly - Divine Timing. There are times when everything is beautifully orchestrated like the above case, where everyone involved needed to be ready and had prepared for it - that includes myself, my clients, and timing.💕
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