We are spirit having a bodily experience! Exploring healing modalities available in Singapore: Energy Healing, Past Lives Regression, Hypnotherapy, Crystal, Aromatherapy
Curious is as Curious gets ..

- Healer's Journey
- Singapore
- "Accept Yourself, Love Yourself" I am the Violet Ray, 193rd Ray that forms the 92 galaxies. I am the only Living Ray remaining. I have always been Awoke. My spiritual journey is one of acceptance of my awaken state. Being different to others, feeling alone in it all. Embracing me, I now work with others on their awakening. There is no methodology to how I approach each activation, awakening or healing session. No one comes with a manual. Everyone is a beautiful unique spark from God.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Angels help me park my car!
For the first week, I was ecstatic with the found power of freedom. No having to be dependent on bus driver and or taxi driver or event he husband himself! But come the second week, I had more distractions.
1 - it was the start of the Hungry Ghost Month
2 - Over confidence with my driving skill
3 - Distraction with work - major financial year 2010 planning coming up
I think that's where the problem started, and my angels wanted to let me know.
First, I ran over a curb - the sound was excruciating. But where I checked the car, it looked fine :) So i continued to drive on to the office. But believe me, my heart was shaken.
That same evening, Xiaodi was knocked by a car, but he appeared fine.
I felt my guardian angel and angels working extra hard that day (which was also the 2nd day of the Hungry Ghost Month).
But importantly, they wanted me to take better care of myself and that they are here.
And I am back to my usual self, and will always make a special call to the angels to protect me while I drive - not only to keep me safe, but also the innocent people around me.
p.s - whenever I ask the angels to help me park, it will be a perfect park :)
I love you my dearest angels!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Hi, I am Teresa, I am a Leo.
It is so true though -that how often we are our job descriptions?!
Sometimes I introduce myself based on situational settings:
At the Dog Run: Hi, I am Teresa, I have a Sheltie
At a Blood donation drive: Hi, I am Teresa, this is my first time donating blood
At an Marriage Encounter: Hi, I am Teresa, I am married for 8years to this handsome man by my side.
At my sister's party: Hi, I am Teresa, I am Lydia's sister.
But so often we are in a situation introducing ourselves at a party, or at families gathering, what do we say?
Here's some other ways I'll intro myself next time:
- I am Teresa, I am a Leo
- I am Teresa, I love to read
- I am Teresa, I love dogs
- I am Teresa, I am an asthmatic
- I am Teresa, I love to climb trees
- I am Teresa, I watch CSI for leisure
- I am Teresa, I love eating my mom's cooking
- I am Teresa, I don't like to talk about my job, i might have to kill you after i tell you.
The above exercise is actually quite hard. It took about 10min to come up with such simple sentences! and I really find them to be quite personal and frankly, boring. The more juicy details of my life have to be saved for other occasion, really. Will the new person i am meeting be INTERESTED with such detail? I'll maul it over coffee.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Did you say Yes today?
I do believe in the Law of Attraction - but not from the "woo woo" aspect of it. Being an engineer by training, I was once asked to develop a devise that measure brain waves - trust me, our brains do emit energetic and magnetic wave forms to our surroundings. Imagine when the waves emitted from your brain gets really powerful (charged by emotions of happiness, sadness, anger etc), how it influence and changes other form of matters around? All quite possible.
But I have a very simple point to make.
My mother - I decided to stop giving her presents - besides Ang Pao's (red packet). Why? She always have something to say about the present. "I don't like this", "Oh please, not this - I hate it! I don't want it." boy, it sure makes me feel bad for giving her a present!
Applying this to our lives - Do you say Yes to presents? I know, you probably will never reject a material gift - money, toys, food. But what about ideas, suggestions, a kindly advise, a constructive criticism?
Recently I've been keeping fit and active by sweating it out in nature. When I share my recent interest with some friends - some really liked the idea and I'll invite them to come along. While this is an invite to just a form of activity - it is also an invitation to meeting new friends, forming new network, business ideas -the possibility is endless. It may not be obvious - but it is when you say Yes to the Universe, the Universe says yes back to you.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Spending the weekend with the Rich
While we probably have lots of stereotype about rich people, here's what I learnt about these human beings:
- Nearly all of them came from a very humble family background
- All of them found ways to make money before they received their high school cert or degrees
- Their set backs did not crush them but made them even more determined.
- Lastly, most of them made mistakes in their life, and was not afraid to start over again - and why? They have a deep strong belief: that they can do it, their dreams are worth it, there's a bigger cause then who they are - their family, their employees, the poor and underpriveledged.
This really set me thinking .. for most of my life, while I think i've done quite well, I've always treaded carefully. And if i've any ideas, I will always find ways to talk myself out of it. What's sad - these world top Rich people had shown to me, without any arrogance and embarassment -their dreams and passion are worth fighting for. Was my dreams and vision and passion worth fighting for? Most probably yes, but sadly I didn't. "there's someone else out there who can do it better." - me thinking small, and that i am not good enough.
Here's what Mariam Williamson has to say about it:
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
During lunch ..
It was during our usual bi-weekly lunches with colleagues when the topic of being "selective vegetarian" came up.
One unfortunate colleague had ordered a seemingly scrumptious Cheesy beefy sandwich. When the topic of why we should be conscious and eat less meat. It was not a discussion for the weak in stomach, especially during meal time. The table next us left before completing their meal leaving behind half eaten sandwiches with meat intact.
So here's my bit to raise our consciousness to our health, and our earth:
- will you eat the chicken, lamb, cow if they are suffering from cancer, hepatitis, obesity, arthritis? we now know not to eat the chicken if its suffering bird flu or the cow if they are having mad cow disease but what about the rest? The point is will you know if the meat you are eating is well and alive before it is served?
- Will eating meat or vegetable be solving world hunger? here's an example - beef based diet is much more expensive. It takes ten pounds of grain protein to feed a cow to get back one pound of beef protein. That's a waste of nine pounds of grain protein! A balanced vegetarian diet can provide all the protein such as a combination of rice and beans (lentils) and wheat bread and beans which many people can live on.
- So cow's contribute to global warming?! yes they do .. they burp, they fart, they produce methane. Simply google the question and you'll find numerous facts, figures and research around it. Here's some for you to sample:
So why are some of us selective vegetarian .. its also being conscious to the precious food served on the table. In my case, when I eat with my parents or socially when food is already prepared - i can't bring myself to waste them - especially after mom lovingly cooked her speciality herbal soup to make me stronger - be it made of pork intestine or kampong chicken, i drink up her love.